
About the Artist


Since 2020, Tomas van Houtryve has been documenting the reconstruction of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris for National Geographic magazine.
For his previous work, he is the winner of a World Press Photo Award, the ICP Infinity Award, the Bayeux Prize for War Correspondents and a two-time finalist for the Leica Oskar Barnac Award. He uses a wide range of photographic techniques for his projects, from 19th century wet collodion to aerial drones and augmented reality. He is a member of the VII AGENCY photographic agency and represented by the Baudoin Lebon gallery in Paris.

Course Program

Learn to master photographic narratives while drawing inspiration from the heritage sites and landscapes of the Dordogne valley. During this intensive workshop, participants will learn to construct a visual narrative and refine their photographic skills in an exceptional setting. Classes will be held in the chateau and estate of the Domaine Cazenac. Premium accommodation and meals are included in the workshop price. Photo assignments will take place in the surrounding medieval villages, castles and gardens. Participants will have access to try Leica cameras in the field. Participants with previous analogue darkroom experience will have access to the facilities on site.


– 4-night retreat inside an exceptional chateau in the Périgord Noir area of Dordogne
– Individual photo assignments in surrounding medieval villages, castles and gardens
– One-on-one photo review sessions with Tomas van Houtryve
– Opportunity to test Leica cameras and a range of lenses
– Access to the Sauna, Swimming pool and tennis court



Wednesday 15 November

Arrive and settle into the Domaine Cazenac. Participants will have dinner in the chateau and be lodged in premium bedrooms.
Facilities include a sauna, swimming pool and tennis court.

Thursday 16 November

– Morning: introductions and group presentations

– Afternoon: in-depth presentation and discussions on photographic storytelling

– Evening: participants given their specific assignments

Friday 17 November

– Morning: participants photograph their assignments in nearby medieval villages, castles and landscapes

– Afternoon: one-on-one review sessions with Tomas van Houtryve

– Evening: after dinner presentation

Saturday 18 November

– Morning: participants continue photographing their assignment, taking into account the feedback from their one-on-one review sessions

– Afternoon: photo selection, editing and group presentations

– Evening: access to analogue and digital darkrooms for printmaking

Sunday 19 November

– Morning: access to analogue and digital darkrooms for printmaking

Profile of Interns

The workshops are aimed at both beginners and advanced.
This workshop is run in partnership with Leica Akademie France. Participants do not need a Leica camera to attend this workshop.

Useful information

Accommodation in the castle
Prestigious rooms
Breakfasts, lunches and dinners served in the castle dining room
Reservations and payment directly on the LEICA France website via THIS LINK
Workshop price

1700€ per person. The price includes accommodation at the castle with full board.



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